Friday, March 27, 2009

I'm starting this blog right in the midst of some very exciting things, so I feel the need to catch you up on some of the major events that have happened thus far. Here are the highlights:

Fell in love...

Got married...

Bought our first house...

Adopted our first "baby"...

Got "Knocked-Up"...

Fell in love all over again...

Although there were so many more details I have left out like the fact that we got the privelage to go to Europe with my parents as a "pre-wedding" gift and then again when I was 3 months pregnant, we were able to have a 2 week honeymoon, and suffered a miscarriage somewhere in the midst of it all! But, God is good and He has brought us through it. He has given us strength and brought us closer together! We can count our losses as gain and praise His name for our every-day miracles.