Thursday, June 25, 2009

Summer Time Fun!

It is definitely summer in Florida and what a scorcher it is!!! We have had many 95+ degree days and what better way to spend them than in a nice refreshing pool!!Jonathan is growing up so fast! I know I say that all the time but it just amazes me how quickly a year can fly by!! In just a couple of months we will be celebrating Jonathan's 1st birthday!!! I try not to think about it because it just makes me want to cry!!
On a brighter note, (Hehe!) Jonathan has finally joined the ban wagon and is a crawling maniac!! After about a month and a half of "army" crawling he decided that it was time to be a big boy and get up on all 4's!!! What a big boy!! =) You can watch the video under "The Pike Family Videos"at the top of our page! It is too cute!! Yoda has also decided that he is Jonathan's best friend and they are now inseparable!! They love to wrestle and play with toys together!! It's nice because it keeps them both occupied for mama to get some work done! =)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Photo Contest

We recently entered Jonathan in a little photo contest and want everyone to go and vote for him! The prize is a $50.00 gift card to the website and the pride for mommy & daddy to say that their child won a photo contest! ;P Even if he doesn't win he is still our little model!! Thanks to everyone who did vote!!! Jonathan thanks you very, very much!! The last day to vote is June 15, 2009 so GO VOTE!!

P.S. You can also vote up to 5 times with DIFFERENT e-mail addresses! Thanks again!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Jonathan's 1st Beach Trip

We finally got the chance to take a vacation this year and we, of course, had to go to the beach at Anna Maria!! What we weren't counting on was 4 out of 6 days being overcast and raining!! Haha! God had other plans and we were able to get some much needed rest & relaxation.We even had a chance to go fishing off of the local pier(which is something we never get to do). Jonathan loved watching us bring up the fish and he squealed when he saw the fish and loved touching them! And, the days that there was sun we soaked it up out on the beach!Plus, it was good for Jonathan because it wasn't so hot and we didn't have to worry about his little skin getting burnt! He loved the sandand was very curious about the waves!! He even fell asleep in his little raft when we took him out in the water! All together we had an awesome time and I think Jonathan did too!!! We will definitely be going back...that's for sure!

Happy 1st Mother's Day!!!

As you all know (or don't know) Jonny & I experienced a miscarriage in December 2007. We had been trying to get pregnant for over 5 months and finally we were. However that dream was crushed the week before Christmas when I lost our child. No one can ever know the pain of losing a child until you go through it. I do not wish it on anyone! Even though our child was only weeks old he or she was still our child, our own! I did not know how we were going to get through it but I had faith that God would lead us through our sorrow and loss. He did and today we have a very happy and healthy 9 month old baby boy!!! And, I finally got to experience my 1st Mother's Day!!! What a joyous day it was and I got the most precious gift...Jonathan said Mama for the first time!!!

Here is a poem that I found when we lost our first child...and I still stand firm to it today!!

Thoughts on becoming a mother...
There are women that become mothers without effort, without thought, without patience or loss and though they are great mothers and love their children very much, I will love my child differently.

I will love different not because of genetics, or money or that I have read more books but because I have struggled and toiled for this child.

I have longed and waited. I have cried and prayed. I have endured and planned over and over again. I will notice everything about my child. I will marvel at my miracle every day for the rest of my life.

I will be happy when I wake in the middle of the night to the sound of my child, knowing that I can comfort, hold and feed him and that I am not waking to take another temperature, pop another pill, take another shot or cry tears of a broken dream. My dream will be crying for me.

I count myself lucky in this sense; that God has given me this insight, this special vision with which I will look upon my child.

Whether I parent a child I actually give birth to or a child that God leads me to, I will not be careless with my love.

I will be a better mother for all that I have endured. I am a better wife, a better aunt, a better daughter, neighbor, friend and sister because I have known pain.

I know disillusionment as I have been betrayed by my own body. I have been tried by fire and hell many never face, yet given time, I stand tall.

I will prevail. I will succeed. I will win.

In all of this I know I will love differently.
I am forever changed forever better because of this.
~Author Unknown~

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Women of Purpose

Ruth Graham, daughter of Billy Graham, Christian speaker, author, that's a Woman of Purpose! Five hundred women gathered for a Christian women's spring luncheon to hear testimony from a woman who grew up in the family as the daughter of two selfless, sacrificial, humble servants of God. I had the great honor of singing before Ruth spoke. A humbling experience to say the least! I actually found a song on the internet called "The Mom Song (Momisms)" and performed it for the banquet!! Here is a link of the song from youtube.

This past month I have been very busy singing for several women's ministries! I have been reminded how God has given us a purpose and has challenged us to make a difference by being the godly women, wives, mothers and daughters He has called us to be.

Ruth told of her mother's life of being born poor in China, becoming the wife of Billy Graham and raising 5 children. She also explained to us that her mom had learned how to graciously go from humble beginnings to having dinner with the former President George W. Bush and tea with the Queen of England. And, let's not forget all while being watched under a microscope of the world. She shared with us that her mom was a very happy, uplifting, loving, giving, patient and creative woman. She mentioned several times that her mom was a practical joker and "did I mention she was stubborn too"? She told us the story of how her mom would make mud slides for the grandchildren, down the mountain where they lived, and she would be the first to slide down! However, Ruth was quick to tell us that her mother was totally committed to Christ and had made the choice early in her life to follow Him. Her purpose was to love and serve God. Join Ruth and I as we travel in our journey to be Women of Purpose!!

Jonathan's 1st Hair Cut

My little boy doesn't look so little anymore!!! I finally broke down and got Jonathan's hair cut! It was getting so long that it was hanging in his face and over his ears I couldn't stand it any longer!!! He did so good and didn't even cry! He was very curious as to what the lady was doing to himbut we had many distractions that it was over in no time!! He looks even more handsome now that he has a big boy hair! =) Hehe!Waiting to get his hair done (he kept looking over at that man who was a grouch...LOL)
What it looks like now!! So handsome!
Side view!

Spring Fling & 8 months old!

Every year in May my parent's church has a carnival on the church's grounds. We have been helping out the past 4 years and this year we were excited to bring Jonathan along! He was still way too small to do any of the games but we did get his "face" painted (he wouldn't hold still to have his face done so we did his arm...hehe)! They had a great turn out of kids and a wonderful day all together!

As far as Jonathan goes...we have officially begun the child-proofing of our home as well as everything around us! =) He is a busy, busy boy!! This month he has started pulling himself up on everything (bruises to show for it)!He is so proud of himself and shrieks in glee every time!! =) He loves to walk with assistance and the swimming pool has become a daily ritual for us all! It works in my favor though because once we are done swimming Jonathan is ready for a long afternoon nap! We can get a lot done in a couple of quiet hours!!
He is a big talker and loves to listen to music (especially if it's mommy singing)! I think we might have a little musician in the making!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

National Anthem & Jonathan's 1st Baseball Game

I recently got the privilege of singing the National Anthem for our local major league baseball team, the Lakeland Flying Tigers. I have sung for them several times but this was the first time since Jonathan was born and we wanted to take him to experience his first baseball game!! We had a great time and Jonathan even got to meet the mascot!!

Gospel Dream 2009

Music has always been a part of my everyday life! Mom and Dad have pictures of me when I was barely walking. I’m holding headphones to my ears listening to music while playing all throughout the house. The first time I sang a solo on stage was at the ripe age of 3 at our church. That began my musical journey and my life has not been the same since. Oh, and by the way, I was one of those little girls who lifted my dress over my head in excitement when I finished my song!……. “Praise ye the Lord. Sing unto the Lord a new song, and His praise in the congregation of saints.” Psalm 149:1

This past month I had the opportunity to enter a competition for the Gospel Music Channel that we being held in Orlando! I wasn't going to go but because it was so close to our home town I couldn't pass up the opportunity! Jonny and I was able to take off work for the day and we had so much fun!! I made it through the two rounds that were in Orlandobut unfortunately did not make it through round 3 which was in Nashville...SO CLOSE!!! But I did have a great experience and maybe we'll try again next year!?!