Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nashville bound!

Doing what he does best!

I am writing this as I return from Nashville from recording the first 4 songs of my new project. How fun & exciting it was!! Jonny & I were able to attend our first "Dove Award" ceremony!

Oh my, what an evening with lots of music and "New Songs"!
I'll be returning to Nashville in 2 weeks to complete the recording. I am so full and ready to "sing a new song" to God and bless His name through this project!

Got caught "networking"! ;-P
Doing what I do...
Ready for another day in studio!
Singing a line...

My producer loves me!!!
The family came out to check the studio out!
Preparing Jonathan for future Dove Awards!
Making mommy sound good! Hehe!
I want to share with everyone the incredible things God does! Will you join with me and pray to begin today to proclaim the good news of salvation!?!?
Coming up in the next few days I will be singing in Clearwater with the Florida Baptist Worship Choir and I get the awesome opportunity to be the DJ at a local Christian community event where I will be sharing my music too! How's that for some fun!

Happy Easter!

We had a wonderful Easter this year as we celebrated the resurrection of our Lord and Savior!!! I had the priviledge of serving on praise team for our Easter services at church and our choir did some extra, special music so we were singing the majority of the morning, which didn't leave a lot of time to get family pictures done but we managed to slip out and take them in between services!
Jonathan was handsome, as he always is and "ham'd" up the camera! =)
Later that night we went over to mom & dad's for an amazing dinner and celebrated with our closest friends!! Even with the business of our schedules we managed to have a wonderful, relaxing day!!! Hope everyone had a very Happy Easter!!